I made clouds and bees I hung them up with table clothes and balloons.
I also made a paper flag sign with scrap booking paper... It says HIP HIP HOORAY
I made this sign the same way...
I made these signs by getting old wood and using a trick with Mode Pod. Print off the computer (laser Pinter Only) but make sure you print in a mirror image. Put a thick layer of Mode Pod on the wood and place print out face down. (hit make sure you cut out the words as close as you can.) Let it dry over night and spray water on the paper and with a circle motion with your finger rub off the paper. When you rub too much I filled in the rest of the letter with a black sharpie.
Party activities was a coloring table, Winnie the Pooh Bounce House named Tigger's bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! House
and a Bubble station.
and a Bubble station.
Table settings. Top was the eat table with napkins and the cute picture of Madison hugging Pooh, with the Winnie the Pooh quote. Then the Madison was on the food table and the food was Honey BBQ sandwiches, Tigger Tails (Cheetos) Piglets in a blanket (Pigs in a blanket) Bouncy Bears (gummy bears) From Rabbit's garden (Veggie tray), Peanut butter and honey sandwich. And Acorns..
The smash cake and Honey Buttercream French Vanilla cupcakes.

My cute little one and her Winnie the Pooh outfit.
And as they left they received a goodie bag with hand painted honey pots with a yellow cupcake liner with yellow M &M's. Plus, once they are done with the M&Ms they have seeds to plant. I found Pooh stickers and pencils. Once I was out of pencils I put honey sticks in the rest.
The Whole thing was so much fun and although some might think I was crazy to do so much I wouldn't change a thing.... well.... maybe the wind calming down would be nice....
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