Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Pinterest remakes!

I am so in love with Pinterest! I have also just started sewing. So you put both together and with the fact that I have a small little one..... and you might have a trifecta of crazy projects!

First Project:

This was pined but it was pictured from

I thought hey I can do that.....
This is my take on it.... Not too bad right?
I did a circle skirt with fabric I got from Wal-mart. Found the black shirt at target. Used Fusible web that I cut out with my free handed ghost. (tip... Make the eyes and mouth bigger! Or use buttons
for the eyes.) Then I sewed around the ghost, and around the month with a zig zag close stitch. After, trying many times with the eyes I finally just hand sewed black in the eye holes.
Next was fall décor...
I looked at this and thought please! painters tape and white spray paint easy!
AHHH NO!!! This took a few days to get right and then it still is not as pretty as this one... but I guess that's the love of pinterest right!? It reminds me of the Martha Stewart magazine I use to get and the crazy things I tried and cried because nothing ever looked as good!
What do you think? Small TIP: Make sure to use the green frog tape it doesn't breed as much as the blue tape... PLUS... I just found out that the frog painter tape comes in chevron!!! That would of been nice to know about a month ago! 
Plus the other pumpkin was painted by my little one and half year old. I found glow in the dark paint and let her go to town. Then it never glowed! The paint worked on paper but never on the pumpkin.... Try again next year...
Now on to Thanksgivings..... I think a runner is a must and another outfit for my little one....

Friday, October 4, 2013

STOP Adult CyberBullying!

Recently, I made the decision to de-plug from Facebook. I had enough with the fights with words from post that I would post. We have our talks with our children about the damaging effects of Cyberbullying. But yet no one is talking about the cyberbullying we as adults are doing everyday!

I have always loved Facebook, from the childhood friends I have found, to checking up on old boyfriends lives (admit it you do it too), to the very adductive games. But I was living in this world that what people posted must be the truth just maybe Photoshopped a little. The truth of the matter is that nothing we see is true, or it's TOO true. I have seen people gosh over their loved one over and over, or post WAY to many self pictures of themselves just to find out weeks later that the two are separating, and that the person has gained some weight and were feeling insecure about it. Then the people taking crazy wonderful trips over and over making people think they must be very rich! But then you find that it just happens that they work for a travel website. The way we put our lives out on social media is not the truth it's what we want the truth to be. Just like the ten pounds we take off our pictures with Photoshop. Then there is the people that are WAY too truthful for their own good. Every thing is going wrong for these people. Every trip to the hospital for a small fever is a ten line post stating that someone was on the brink of death. I have had people post things that should of never been posted until ALL family members were told. Or the posts that are so short that is freaks everyone out.

But the worst thing to happen with social media is cyberbullying  and worst of all from adults that should know better. When kids and teens do it adults chew them out for it. Why that is, is because it's so noticeable. It's a blunt insult, Slut, Fat, Bitch... easy. But us adults are doing it too but in a very different way.

I have many different friends from many different times in my life. I have "friends" from churches throughout my life, high school mates, old co-workers, to even mom play date groups. The best part of my "friends" on Facebook is that we all are different and have different views. However, with that comes the mean comments. I have been attacked on subjects from parenting, to gay marriage, and even small news stories. I have had old friends that knew me and know that I am not a hateful person "de-friend" me from just one post, or even one picture. I have never de-friended anyone that had a different view then me. I have never told someone that they were wrong or are a bad parent or that they have no heart, or the worst, that they are racist or prejudice, but I have been told that by others, just from my views. These are to be my "friends"? I would think that they wanted to be my "friend" for a reason. I don't think I am better then anyone. I am a Christian, but I know we all are given the right to live the way we want to live, and we were given that right from God. And in the eyes of God a sin is a sin, not one is bigger or worst then others. I am in NO way perfect and I have never told anyone differently. With the right to live our lives the way we what too means that we are allowed to feel differently about different views. Now, I know I don't have one "friend" that is hateful or racist. But yet there are some that make me out to be, just by their words and tones. Maybe I am being over sensitive but as adults we know that we have to be carful with the written word. I can send a text to my husband and he will think I am mad if I have a ! at the end. But come on adults we know that and we should by now know that we need to over read what we are going to post and make sure to end it with something nice. Whatever happen to the "If you don't have anything nice to say, Do say anything at all!" Us adults are always telling kids and teens that in the social media world once you put something out on it there, there is no true way to get it back... but yet we are not practicing that ourselves. Why aren't we reading what we are posting before we so quickly comment. Why are we jumping to sides and not hearing them out. Why are we so quick to jump on the bandwagon without a thought. If we are to call these Facebook connections as "friends" then we need to start treating them as such.

Don't get me wrong we should be able to share our views on a topic and I love it when friends explain them to me. But when they get to the point where the same person has posted over and over and in a mean tone and under toning with personal insults I would call that Adult CyberBullying! This is when we need to have our kids and teens sit us down and teach us about the dangers of cyberbullying!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My new weightloss find and it works for me!

My weight loss story is pretty much the same as everyone else. I have tried it all, I mean it all. I have been on the cookie diet, the soup diet, the juice diet, and who could forget the baby food diet. Of course, none of these worked. Then I was told by a old boyfriend, "It's all math!, write down what you eat and what you do and as long as you eat less calories then you burn off you will lose weight." I thought I can do that! I wrote it all down and hit the gym. Months went by and nothing! I thought that there most be something physically wrong with me. So I went to the doctors. They gave me everything. They started me on the weight loss drugs, that didn't work. Then they thought you must be depressed. So I was put on anti-depressed meds. I losted about five pounds and then nothing. Finally, doctors (that's right more then 1) just wrote me off as a liar. I must of been eating donuts and sitting on my butt.
   So fast forward to now.... I tried REALLY hard to only gain a few pounds when I was pregnant. Knowing that I can't seem to lose weight I didn't want to gain too much. I ended gaining only 25 pounds. I was so proud of myself. I lost 15 after I had Madison but then that last ten was just not coming off. I found a new doctor and thought maybe this time it would be different. After going back to the same old things he finally told me that some people are just healthy overweight. WHAT!? I was just not taking that! I was going to lose weight. I haven't been 170 my whole life. I ,at one time, had a size 4 uniform for my job I worked at in college.
  I thought why not try a weight loss place. The doctor put me on the same weight loss drug and told me I could only have 20grams of fat and only 1200 calories a day. I told him that is super easy for me and I have done this. He then asked me about CARBS.... I had talks with my diabetic husband about my carb intake. He always told me that I have a lot more carbs then I even know. Then the doctor told me will try lowering it, and I could of swear he said to lower it to only 20 grams a day. I guess normally he has people lower their carbs to 100 grams. So I did it 20 grams of carbs a day... And it worked! First two weeks I lost 7 lbs. Then the next weeks I lose about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week! I am not saying that this wasn't hard because it was WAY hard! But it can be done and you can lose weight!
  I am not saying that everyone should do this. My calories are very low and could be very bad for some. I have a doctor looking over everything I am doing. I think that you just have to find what works for your body. Not everyone that tries this diet will lose weight, just like I didn't lose weight on all those other diets. But once you find it run with it!
  If you are still reading this wanting to move forward with the diet... Here is how it can be done.

Breakfast (pretty much the same thing everyday!)
             Egg whites
             Mushrooms or Spanish
             Bacon bits
             Fat Free Cheese
Mid morning snack
              Protein shake that is super low carbs like around 2 carbs total

              Salad (lettuces, tuna or bacon bits, and no calories no carb ranch dressing)
               Lunch meat roll ups (low carb lunch meat about three slices, with cut up one weight  watchers string cheese and dijon mustard.)

Mid morning snack
               Protein shake again super low carbs

                This changes a lot, mostly low carb veggies, spinach, asparagus and broccoli or cauliflower. and very lien meat like ground turkey, chicken, or even beef.

I have crated some receipts over time to keep with my strict diet and letting me live. Eating out can be hard at times, but what I have learned is to stay away from sauces. Even when it says "Blackened". This could mean blackened with herbs but it could also mean sauces. I use online apps to find low carb meals at restaurants. Sometimes, we would go places that there wasn't any nutrition info to be found or there wasn't ANY thing I could eat.... (Claim Jumper) So I made one just for me. I order a Chicken Caesar Salad... WITHOUT dressing. And with grilled chicken. As long as it's a normal caesar salad all it will have is chicken, lettuce, and parmesan cheese.

My biggest challenge for me at first was letting go of carbs. I wanted cake and crackers or cookies so bad! The third week was the worst. I was mad all the time and on edge. But now I see it as a detox. It's still hard but it's easier now as I go on. I even now give myself cheat meals. (not days) and I find myself not being able to eat very sugary things, or even large meals. But you have to be very strict at first. Only after the third month of being on this diet did I let myself cheat. Very important to detox fully before cheating you will never go back and quit.

Now my biggest challenge is keeping my calories up. There are days I only eat 500 calories a day. I try really hard not to do that but it happens. The biggest thing is when you know you are going to be out and about in the heat or walking for hours, you have to keep those calories up. So come prepared, pack a shake, or beef jerky. When you feel your energy going stop and eat.

So far I have lost 22 lbs in 12 weeks. Which is HUGH for me! I have gone from a size 12-14 to 8-9!

           (If you really want to know how I live on this diet I will show some of my receipts)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome to toddlerism!

Life has sure changed in this house. My wonderful little girl is everywhere. She has more mood swings then a bipolar going through menopause. She is into bears one day and then hates them the next. and don't get me started when it comes to food. She hates fruit and then will down a banana in nothing flat. There are days I couldn't get food down her to save a life.

Although this new stage is exhausting, it does have some great pluses. She can say and do some of the Funniest things. She will pick up long toys and have a whole convo with "Nana" Or she will find Mickey Mouse miles away. She will walk over to strangers to point out their nose. I find myself falling more and more in love with this little girl. Which is a good thing to deal with the other moments that I want to find a whole and climb in there and stay there until she is 18....

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Got to get a hobby and remember you are just human

I started working part-time to help with the money. I enjoy my time away from the house. However, now I feel like I am failing everywhere. Only working part-time I don't get anything done in four hours. Then when I get home I am working on the house or shopping for the family and I can't get anything done here. I know as a mother and a wife and a women we always have this feeling that we are failing. There just isn't enough time in a day and enough hands to get anything done. I have decided to find an outlet. I need to let go the small little things. And stop looking at Pinterest and the moms that get it all done. I am me and what I do is fine with that.
   The biggest way to feel like I can get things done is to give me small projects. Aka Hobby! If it's crafts or photography, or whatever. As a mother you have to have something that you enjoy to do. And finish a project and love the process.
   Another thing that you must do is to always have another project ready and waiting for your last one to end. Down time is were your mind starts going to all the dishes or dirt or whatever is driving you crazy that you haven't done yet.
  Oh course, don't let your hobby take over taking care of your family. I like to have learning time with my One and half year old. And I love cooking for my family and light cleaning the house. I make sure all that is done before I start working on my hobby.
  Time to let things go! For me I feel that Moms can get it done. Father/men sometime need us to tell them to take the wheel. When we take over and do it all we need time outs too. But, don't always take kids with us to go shopping and expect dad to know that you hate it. Talk to your husband explain your needs and wants. And then let it go if it's not done the way you wanted it to get done. They will make dinner and use every pot in your house. And your daughter might be wearing strips and polka dots. But life will go on and everyone will be fine. Most of all remember you and your husband are on the SAME SIDE. So act like it be a team player!
  Facebook could be the best and worst thing ever made. I love all my friends on Facebook but the "super" moms are killing me. How do they get it all done? How is it they can make their kids lunch look like art., and make it to the gym and clean their 3000 square feet home to perfection. Looking at their pictures and reading their post on what they are doing doesn't help me feel better about myself. I just have to know that even the mothers that look like they are getting it all done, they aren't! There is always something that isn't getting done or being neglected. They might say they are getting it all done and looking great as they do it, it's not all that way! You only get 24 hours a day, and when you take one hour away to do one thing then you are taking it away from somewhere else. Life is not about winning or how much laundry you wash it's the love you can share and the moments that are made. And that is were the love of life is at!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Toddler on a plane

Ahhhh the first trip with your young very movable toddler. This could be the scariest and best trip you can ever take. My young 14 month old is not a stranger to travel. This was her fourth time traveling. I know that might sound crazy but my husband and I love to travel and we thought that this will not be changing even if our family gets bigger. In times before Madison (my little girl) had done wonderful on the plane. She would sleep and very rarely cried, but only to ask for a bottle. She was happy to snuggle up in my carrier and sleep the whole way there. But this was going to be different. She is walking and moving and trying to make her stay in one spot for more then five minutes (on a good day) was not happening. I went and got everything people said to bring. The activity sets, coloring sets and movies, and new activity toys. This is what I learned about being on a plane with a movable toddler. People are WRONG! Yes, new toys and coloring worked for about three minutes, which sucks on a four hour flight. What REALLY worked... Sleep! I know easy said then done... but an early fight might suck for you the parent but the idea that you and the little one will sleep the flight SO important. We had a 5:30am flight out of Orlando which meant we were at the airport by 3:30am. She slept the whole flight and two hours into the 2nd one. Toys need to be big... They WILL throw them and when they are small forget trying to pick them up. Those planes are so packed full of people trying to bend over with a little one on your lap is not happening. Snacks, snacks, snacks... This is not to help with a hungry baby. But it's something to do! So light snacks, like Puffs. Take them to the bathroom. This gives them a chance to walk or move around and see new people, plus it give you something to do. I would change her diaper every plane ride. There are changing tables in the bathrooms and it might be hard with a crazy rolling baby but it does brake the time. Movies, do help but I don't know about your little one but mine doesn't sit through a whole 25 minute Mickey Clubhouse. So I would tell you to find shorts. Short cartoons that have been put all together on a movie disk, of course somethings that they are into. Also, I would say that finding one that she hadn't seen seemed to help. And Finally... Take off any cute shoes you might have put her/him in. (but bring socks it can get cold on the plane) Madison, would climb and kick and roll all over me leaving me with cuts from velcro and bruises from the shoes. She still would head bump me but it was a small help. As well as taking off shoes, make sure to cut toe and finger nails before taking off with a kiddo in your lap. When the hands go flying those small little nails can really hurt! Another tip is if you can swing the upgrade do it. Most airlines will let you pay to be put in what they call a comfy more leg room seats. Some only have that for the first row or the exit row. (And remember no lap children in the exit row.) I would also not recommend Us Airways, most airlines will let you with small children get on the plane first due to taking longer to board. And trust me you will need this. However, you are Fifth to board with US Airways! After there club members! (I would be fine letting the active military go before me but the first class and club members)  Finally, you must remember toddlers are going to cry and scream. They are going to be mad. Don't let anyone make you feel less of a parent, just because you have a screaming crying baby. They will live and life will go on. Just show them you are trying and they will understand. Good Luck and remember all will be over in 4 to 10 hours

Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby's First Birthday Party! Minnie Mouse Clubhouse themed

I started planning this big birthday party from November of 2012. (Her birthday is in Feb 2013) I desided to go with a Minnie Mouse Clubhouse theme, seeing that she loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She goes crazy everytime she sees Mickey or Minnie. So I went Pinterest crazy. I pinned and like and looked at everything... So here is what I came up with and I have to say I think that it turned out pretty good!

I am one!
Her outfit matched her minnie doll she got from grandma... Outfit supplied by grandma too.

The small banner had her name on it. It matched the large banner
Her Highchair decoration

I also had Daisy's Veggie Garden, Toodle's Noodles, and Gooey Fish!

Her first year in pictures
Pin the bow on minnie game
BeanBag Minnie Mouse game!

What you don't see is I also had a Mickey/Minnie cookie decorate table were the kids could use iceing and cookie markers to make thier very own cookie.
At the end of the party each kid got a Disney paint kit. (thanks to the Dollar store)
In all I spend about 150.00 on the decor and about 120.00 on food and cake. I went alot to the Dollar Store and Walmart. Plus I used coupons to Michael's. I thought I did pretty good. I would get twenty dollars worth of crafts or supplies every weekend which would give me the after the kiddo went to bed projects. I loved it, it gave me something to do and I enjoyed seeing it all come together. Now I just need to find my next project.