Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Loving Father...

Having my husband working from home is wonderful. However, if he doesn't want to work he comes out of the office and wants to play and hang out with us. I love that he is a hands on dad but when I am trying to do a planned out the day it can be hard. I put her down...he picks her up... I want her to work on playing by herself,... he picks her up. And you can't get mad at him, he is a loving father what more could you ask for and how would he know what you are trying to do.... Right!? Thoughts... ? The worst is the changing table. She crys and is fussy at the changing table. He always comes in and wants to help claim her... But I hate that I want to get in there and get out and if she is fussy so what... But again he is trying to help... How can I get mad...

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