I started working part-time to help with the money. I enjoy my time away from the house. However, now I feel like I am failing everywhere. Only working part-time I don't get anything done in four hours. Then when I get home I am working on the house or shopping for the family and I can't get anything done here. I know as a mother and a wife and a women we always have this feeling that we are failing. There just isn't enough time in a day and enough hands to get anything done. I have decided to find an outlet. I need to let go the small little things. And stop looking at Pinterest and the moms that get it all done. I am me and what I do is fine with that.
The biggest way to feel like I can get things done is to give me small projects. Aka Hobby! If it's crafts or photography, or whatever. As a mother you have to have something that you enjoy to do. And finish a project and love the process.
Another thing that you must do is to always have another project ready and waiting for your last one to end. Down time is were your mind starts going to all the dishes or dirt or whatever is driving you crazy that you haven't done yet.
Oh course, don't let your hobby take over taking care of your family. I like to have learning time with my One and half year old. And I love cooking for my family and light cleaning the house. I make sure all that is done before I start working on my hobby.
Time to let things go! For me I feel that Moms can get it done. Father/men sometime need us to tell them to take the wheel. When we take over and do it all we need time outs too. But, don't always take kids with us to go shopping and expect dad to know that you hate it. Talk to your husband explain your needs and wants. And then let it go if it's not done the way you wanted it to get done. They will make dinner and use every pot in your house. And your daughter might be wearing strips and polka dots. But life will go on and everyone will be fine. Most of all remember you and your husband are on the SAME SIDE. So act like it be a team player!
Facebook could be the best and worst thing ever made. I love all my friends on Facebook but the "super" moms are killing me. How do they get it all done? How is it they can make their kids lunch look like art., and make it to the gym and clean their 3000 square feet home to perfection. Looking at their pictures and reading their post on what they are doing doesn't help me feel better about myself. I just have to know that even the mothers that look like they are getting it all done, they aren't! There is always something that isn't getting done or being neglected. They might say they are getting it all done and looking great as they do it, it's not all that way! You only get 24 hours a day, and when you take one hour away to do one thing then you are taking it away from somewhere else. Life is not about winning or how much laundry you wash it's the love you can share and the moments that are made. And that is were the love of life is at!